
What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup procedure that allows you to dramatically enhance, or fully reconstruct your eyebrows for a flawless look. It is performed using a special manual pen by implanting pigment into the skin with a blade that contains tiny pins. No machine use and does not go as deep as a permanent tattoo. Unlike other permeant brow treatments, this technique is done by drawing individual, fine hair strokes that are amazingly natural looking and personalized for each client.

What to Expect

Once you have checked the brow prescreen and decided you are a good candidate for microblading, you may contact me to schedule your appointment. The appointment typically lasts about 2 and a half hours all together. The first half starts with me drawing and measuring your brows so the frame your face perfectly. The second half is the procedure in which you can expect a scratching feeling on the brow area. Once finished, your temporary eyebrow will go through a few different phases of healing. The color is darkest the first then gradually softens within a 1-2 week period. It may look like flakes once the area starts healing, which is excess pigment and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows. Follow all instructions given for aftercare and your brows will heal well. A necessary touch up session will be scheduled within the following 4-6 weeks of first appointment. This touch up session is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL IN THIS PROCESS! Each person’s skin is different so the 2nd appointment is used to touch up the brow and ensure the skin is retaining the pigment for maximum lasting brows. Your beautiful brows will now last 1-2 years, depending on skin type and care.

Interested in Microblading?

If you are interested in microblading you will want to download the following files.