
Eyelash Extensions

I am certified with the use of Lavish Lashes Extensions. They are the perfect way to get longer, thicker eyelashes. Each lash is individual and applied using a medical grade eyelash adhesive, to your single eyelash. This process is safe and comfortable to wear unlike false eyelash extensions. These beautiful lashes last 3-4 weeks! With routine touch ups, you can enjoy your natural, more lucious looking lashes.

What to Expect

At your lash appointment, I do a thorough consultation to customize your lash look. I also go over all the steps for the aftercare process. During the procedure, you are relaxed and reclined. I isolate each individual lash then bond the eyelash extension to the natural lash. They come in various textures and thickness to customize your look! They are never applied to skin and create a seamless look to frame your eyes. They are then safe to get wet, exercise, or any other daily activity. They wear like your natural lashes yet better!

Types of Lashes

These have a very natural look and are used by applying 1 synthetic last on 1 natural lash. It creates length and volume to enhance your own lashes.

These have a natural yet much fuller 3D look. I apply 2 finer synthetic lashes together on 1 natural lash. It gives for a thicker and fluffier look. Can be useful if your natural lashes are more sparse yet you want a fuller look.